The following shows some of the code for generating GeoJSON data using the ASP.NET Web API methodology:
- Here is the PointsOfInterestController method for generating the FeatureCollection result.
' Find points by category and keyword
' GET api/pointsofinterest/find/{category}/{keyword}
Public Function FindPoints(ByVal category As String, ByVal keyword As String) As IHttpActionResult
' Return result as GeoJSON format
Dim geojson As New FeatureCollection
geojson.type = "FeatureCollection"
' Retrieve POI data from source database
Dim data As DataTable = GetPOIData()
' Unsanitize category name since it has special character not allowable by Web API
category = category.Replace("-and-", "&")
keyword = keyword.Replace("*", "%").Replace("(any)", "%")
' Perform data filtering
Dim filterExpression As String = String.Format("CATEGORY = '{0}' AND NAME LIKE '%{1}%'", category.Trim(), keyword.Trim())
Dim matchRows As DataRow() = data.Select(filterExpression)
' Add features to FeatureCollection GeoJSON object
Dim rowCount As Integer = 0
For Each row As DataRow In matchRows
Dim feature As New FeatureItem = row("ID")
feature.type = FeatureItemType.Feature.ToString"NAME", row("NAME"))"CATEGORY", row("CATEGORY"))"COLOR", row("COLOR"))
feature.geometry.type = FeatureGeometryType.Point.ToString
feature.geometry.coordinates = {row("X"), row("Y")}
Return Ok(geojson)
End Function
The end result is the service returns data in GeoJSON format ready to be consumed by OpenLayers!
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"id": "1167",
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"NAME": "Cafe",
"CATEGORY": "Eating&Drinking",
"COLOR": "#58FA58"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-105.2471939,
"id": "1203",
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"NAME": "Cafe",
"CATEGORY": "Eating&Drinking",
"COLOR": "#58FA58"
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-105.11558,