Data Science Exploration
Learning about geospatial data science through writing Python notebooks on Kaggle and Google Colab.
As part of my geospatial master's program at UCLA, I have been learning to use
Python and R for performing analysis on various datasets. The following are some of the
I've created on Kaggle or Google Colab which
demonstrate what I have learned along the way. I really enjoy
writing notebooks and am impressed with how much you can do with a very small amount of code using
such as Pandas, GeoPandas, and MatPlotLib.
World Bank Economics Analytics
This notebook explorers some economic indicators downloaded from the World Bank data store. This
uses mapclassify
to generate class breaks on the data using the Fisher Jenks scheme
and then
beautifies the class breaks for display in the legend.
Income Inequality Data Analytics
This notebook visualizes income inequality data geospatially, comparing various years
altogether. I used Python
to read, merge, and aggregate Gapminder income inequality data by country
and year.
Point Density Measures
In this notebook, I created hexagonal geometries based on point density from the Denver
Crime vector dataset.
I then used the geometries to calculate a density measure for a list of Denver AirBnB locations.
Even though this was
a fictional data study, exploring the concept of point density measure analysis was exciting!
Denver AirBnB Analytics
This notebook demonstrates using GeoPandas, Pyplot, and other libraries to analyze Airbnb data
in the Denver area.
The interesting sections of code include address geocoding using Nominatim, generating a buffer
around a location,
performing spatial joins, and calculating distance to local points of interest.
Contour Volumetric Values
This notebook explores using various Python contour engine libraries for generating contour maps
based on elevation and energy product volumes.
Power Plant Capacity
This notebook will use GeoPandas, pyplot, and matplotlib to create a geoplot of power plant
capacity in Australia. One interesting piece of code was using GeoPandas
and bulk_query
methods to perform a spatial intersections.
Global Financial Crisis Analytics
This notebook explores the behavioral
financial stability dataset from Harvard Business School.
This example performs data aggregations using Pandas as well as visualizing the results using
geoplots and charts.
Gapminder Data Mapping
This was one of my first notebooks. It is a simple geoplot of Gapminder data. One plot uses
style mapping and the other uses scaled point mapping.
Python map using Folium
This example displays COVID-19 deaths for the first quarter of 2021. I used GeoPandas to
the data and create a Folium
map to visualize the results.