Master of Applied Geospatial Information Systems and Technologies
Exploring and learning about Geospatial Data Science techniques and technologies through
offered by the University of California Los Angeles.
In 2021, I enrolled in the Master of Applied Geospatial
Information Systems and Technologies (MAGIST) program offered by UCLA. In this program I have
been introduced to a whole new world of Python libraries, as well as the R programming language. At my
current employment, I am working with PostgreSQL and Python to query, aggregate, and transform data from
one geospatial database to a spatial data mart for end clients to use in their desktop tools. Needless
to say, my MAGIST education is already benefiting my career in several ways.
My goal is to obtain my master's degree in order to progress in the field of geospatial data science. I
would also like to end my working career teaching geospatial technologies at the higher education level.
The following are some of the GEOG 414 Web mapping assignments I have worked on in the program. I have
also attempted to write some articles about what I learned in each assignment along the way. You can
view the posts on my Geospatial Developer Blog
Unit 1 - Guessing Game
This game is a fun example of using the OpenLayers map library for displaying the player's
longitude choice compared to the random value selected by the program.
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Unit 1 - Distance Calculator
This example uses Turf.js to calculate the distance between two points as well as draws a
line using the "greatCircle" method.
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Unit 2 - Choropleth Mapping
Demonstrate how to visualize dataset variables using a choropleth map. This sample uses
ClassyBrew.js to generate the variable class breaks in our dataset.
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Unit 2 - Point Symbol Mapping
This example uses Leaflet.js to visualize point symbols in different colors based on values
the data.
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Unit 3 - WMS Layers
This example uses Leaflet.js tileLayer and nonTiledLayer extensions to display TIGERWeb
Census layers.
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Unit 4 - Map and Chart with D3.js
This example uses D3.js to visual Gapminder Income and Inequality data using a
and time
series chart.
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Unit 5 - AirBnB Analytics Tool
This page uses Leaflet and Turf.js to perform spatial
analysis and visualization. D3.js is used to generate a scrollable table of results. The
data is retreived from a MySQL database using a spatial query
to select data near the specified address. I also used the
Nominatim geocoder service
look up the location for the address entered by the user.
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