Drawing and Spatial Filtering
This page demonstrates drawing shapes on the map and perform a spatial search for features
within the drawn area. Click the "Draw" () button to draw a freehand area of interest.
Here is the server-side code to check if a point is within the polygon drawn on the map.
''' <summary>
''' Retrieve list of points of interest for a given geometry boundary.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="geometry"></param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Shared Function GetPointsOfInterest(ByVal geometry As FeatureGeometry) As List(Of PointOfInterest)
Dim points As New List(Of PointOfInterest)
' Coordinates contains an array of XY values
Dim coordinates As Object() = geometry.coordinates(0)
Dim dc As New Controllers.PointsOfInterestController()
Dim dt As DataTable = dc.GetPOIData()
Dim nwLng As Double = Double.MinValue, seLng As Double = Double.MinValue, nwLat As Double = Double.MinValue, seLat As Double = Double.MinValue
' Get bounding box of polygon to use for quick filtering
For i As Integer = 0 To coordinates.Length - 1
Dim lng As Double = coordinates(i)(0)
Dim lat As Double = coordinates(i)(1)
If nwLng = Double.MinValue OrElse nwLng > lng Then nwLng = lng
If nwLat = Double.MinValue OrElse nwLat < lat Then nwLat = lat
If seLng = Double.MinValue OrElse seLng < lng Then seLng = lng
If seLat = Double.MinValue OrElse seLat > lat Then seLat = lat
' Find rows within polygon extent
Dim filterExpression As String = String.Format("X >= {0} AND X <= {1} AND Y <= {2} AND Y >= {3}", nwLng, seLng, nwLat, seLat)
Dim matchRows As DataRow() = dt.Select(filterExpression)
For Each row As DataRow In matchRows
Dim pt As Double() = {row("X"), row("Y")}
If isPointInPoly(coordinates, pt) Then
Dim point As New PointOfInterest()
point.ID = row("ID")
point.Name = row("NAME")
point.Category = row("CATEGORY")
point.Color = row("COLOR")
point.Lat = row("Y")
point.Lng = row("X")
End If
Return points
End Function
''' <summary>
''' See if point is inside of polygon
''' </summary>
''' <param name="pts">Polygon coordinates XY array</param>
''' <param name="pt">Point XY array</param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Shared Function isPointInPoly(ByVal pts As Object(), ByVal pt As Double()) As Boolean
Dim isInside As Boolean = False
Dim nvert As Integer = pts.Length
Dim testy As Double = pt(1), testx As Double = pt(0)
Dim i As Integer = 0, j As Integer = nvert - 1
For i = 0 To nvert - 1
If (((pts(i)(1) > testy) <> (pts(j)(1) > testy)) AndAlso _
(testx < (pts(j)(0) - pts(i)(0)) * (testy - pts(i)(1)) / (pts(j)(1) - pts(i)(1)) + pts(i)(0))) Then
isInside = Not isInside
End If
j = i
Return isInside
End Function